Well, Blender 2.5 ALPHA 0 has been officially released! I think many people will be pleased to see that, even though there are plenty of new features, Blender is still Blender. And with some initial effort to get up to speed with the basic differences, you can quickly begin to feel at home with the knowledge gained from using Blender 2.4x.
Personally, I'll still use Blender 2.4x because of its stability, but it will be fun to explore the new Blender while it stabilizes.
I'll be posting occasional tips and tutorials for Blender 2.5.0, but I want to be careful about the subjects I cover until 2.5 stabilizes.
Having said that, here's a quick tip video on how to change the keystroke mapping for the Add Menu in 2.5 so it's the same as what you may be used to using in the 2.4x series.
technorati tags: Blender3D, 3D, graphics, Blender tutorials
Very nice! Thx for the tut! I'm waiting 2.5 sooooo much!
Ahhh thanks spacebar tut was a life saver.The shift+A was driving me crazy.
Thank you, that was a major frustration for me.
Thanks for the tutorial Kernon, very much appreciated!
Thanks for the tutorial. Here it is transcribed for the readers:
Select "File" -> "User preferences".
Select the "Input" tab.
Type "window" into the keymap filter text box at the top if its not already there.
Press the "Edit Mode" button.
Find "spacebar" in the list, disable its checkbox (left in list).
Type "object mode" in the keymap filter.
Find "wm.call_menu" in the list and expand it.
Deselect the "S"hift checkbox, click "A" (left in list) and press the "spacebar".
Press the "Save as default" button.
Close the "User preferences" window.
As much as I like "new" I'm going to avoid 2.5 until at leeast the first stable release. I just started in Blender and the existing tutorials are all naturally done in 2.4X so going to the new version would leave me in the dark on that score. There's also the fact that, being a noob, if something doesn't act the way I thought it should I'd have no way of knowing whether I'd done something wrong or if it was a behavior of Alpha software.
My hat's off to those who accomplished the massive work of creating 2.5 because it's way more than a point release. I'll gladly switch versions when both it and I are a bit more stable.
you know how call the event that make when we press C key in blender 2.49 for change too in blender Aplha0
Thanks for this:
1. File >> User Preferences
2. Uncheck wm.search_menu
3. Set Map: to Object Mode (was "Window")
4. Change wm.call_menu from Shift-A to Spacebar
Much faster than a 3 minute video. ;-)
Only after you've seen the video and learned it. ;-)
thank youy I love it when ppl share the wealth!
I do have a problem Im trying to figure out. Perhaps someone can share the wealth, or create a step by step for a newbie (me) on how to produce photogrammetry using blender. I have some pictures, some photoshopped some off the web, and all I want to do is make a simple low poly model of these items, that I can scale, and tweak later for a custom car project. Can anyone help?
Thanks you so much for this, I can't tell you what a headache I think spacebar not being there is, considering I personally ( and I suspect many users of blender ) feel it was so amazingly efficient.
I was just thinking here, how on earth do I keymap this back to spacebar, and thought wait,I should just gtdt ( google the darn thing), and et voila! ;))
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